The Hellenic Data Management Symposium (HDMS) is the annual forum for the Greek database community to present and discuss recent advances for data-intensive applications and systems. After a hiatus due to the pandemic, we resume the successful series with the 18th HDMS, which will be held between July 1-2, 2024 in Athens, Greece.

The program will include academic and industry talks, keynotes, panels, poster sessions, demos, and, new this year, mentoring 1-1 sessions open to all registered students.

HDMS 2024 will feature keynotes from Stavros Papadopoulos (TileDB), Verena Kantere (University of Ottawa), and Ippokratis Pandis (AWS).

The full program is now available, along with the details of the poster session.


We invite submissions in the following three tracks:
(A) Research, (B) Working Ideas, and (C) Demos.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Core database technologies (e.g., query processing and optimization, storage and indexing, database concurrency control, OLTP and OLAP processing).

Models and languages for the management of data (e.g., XML, RDF, probabilistic databases, meta-data management, multi-media, graph data management).

NoSQL and Cloud technologies (e.g., storage, scalability)

Techniques for high performance and scalability in the management of data (e.g., distributed data processing, hardware accelerators, new hardware technologies).

Emerging data management architectures (e.g., data stream management, peer-to-peer systems, mobile data management, blockchain).

Confluence of data management with: information retrieval, knowledge management, natural language processing, and data mining.

Data management applications (e.g., geographical information systems, data warehouses, social networks, scientific databases, IoT, crowd sourcing).

Other aspects of modern information systems (e.g., security, privacy, user interfaces, energy use minimization).

AI/ML and databases (applied ML for data management, data management to support ML).

Analysis of different data types (graphs, social networks, time series, logs, and text).

Τhe following evaluation principles will apply

Submissions recently accepted at top international conferences or journals are automatically accepted. Examples include but are not limited to SIGMOD, VLDB, PODS, ICDE, EDBT, SIGIR, KDD, WWW, MDM, SoCC, DEBS, MLSys, and associated workshops. Each submission should include the DOI link of the original paper.

The Working Ideas track accepts original work, ongoing work, and position/vision statements. Authors should submit a 1 page PDF in ACM SIGMOD format. Submissions will be reviewed by the PC and chosen for presentation or poster.

This track accepts demonstrations of innovative data-intensive applications, systems, algorithms, etc. Authors should submit a 1 page PDF in ACM SIGMOD format. Submissions will be reviewed by the PC. If submitting an already published demonstration at a top conference, only the DOI is needed (and it will be an automatic accept).

Conference Format:

The conference format will be optimized for interactivity. We will have few long talks and many shorter talks (10 minutes) and posters.


Submission Deadline: May 20, 2024 (11:59pm PST)
Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2024
Camera Ready: Friday, June 7, 2024
Symposium Dates: July 1-2, 2024


General Co-chairs:

Alkis Simitsis (Athena Research Center, Greece)
Manos Athanassoulis (Boston University, USA)

Program Co-chairs:

John Paparrizos (Ohio State University, USA)
Stratos Idreos (Harvard University, USA)

Local Arrangements Co-chairs:

Georgia Koutrika (Athena Research Center, Greece)
Theodore Dalamagas (Athena Research Center, Greece)


Registration is now open! Click here here to proceed!

HDMS provides to students for free a small number of double rooms to share. If you are a student, after you complete your registration you can apply by providing all relevant material here .


The HDMS dinner (a.k.a. symposium) will take place in Fuga Restaurant & Bar, near the Megaro Mousikis metro station (map)
The Cocktail Dinner starts at 19:30.
Do not forget your badge for your entrance!


Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities!


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